periodic reset of civilizations


There is something 'ROYAL AND BIZARRE' about the Mystic: Emil Johansson.

We still see it; the Western imprint on the world … christianization; the refusal of life.

No pagan society 'had any problems with death'. It is the BASIS OF LIFE; to live ... to die.

The Christian society 'REFUSES DEATH' and uses “Scientism” 'again with the covid episode', for this purpose.

We know, because this world-wide test has allowed us to compare 'nations and policies'.

The nations 'that have not practiced' the lockdown have 'the same numbers' as the christian nations.

People “do not realize the harmful impact of Christianity in the world”.

This permanent negation of life ... castration of young people … of projects, suppression of all national initiatives, collectivism TO AVOID CHANGE AND RENEWAL, formation of a “bureaucratic class”. Everything is done in the West 'so that nothing changes'.

This is false model of freedom which is spreading 'throughout the world'.

'Westerners are not free', they are miserable, the family is 'destroyed', 'they are psychotic', 'do not like their lives', HAVE NO COMMUNITY STRUCTURE.

Everything is done, for a non-return to the tradition, and “includes death” in its message. Christianity is Resignation, the resignation of THE WEAK CLASSES.

Traditional society trains, initiates, young people “to death”: 'to face their own deaths' 'in a ritualistic way'.

This is the reason for the Christian's relentlessness against these rites and the 'initiatory' societies in general.

These people 'are putrid to a point', which is at the limit of the Conceivable.


What defines the mystic, IS LET GO.

Control is stupid.

Mystics HAVE BEEN ENVIED THROUGHOUT HISTORY, and before the pre-modern period, “they were hunted”, killed, by the religious ('plebs').

From Reflections on the Art of Living: A Joseph Campbell Companion by Joseph Campbell:

The function of the orthodox community is to torture the mystic to death: his goal.”


There are “ALMOST INFINITE” resources 'IN THIS BODY', to tap into it, only the mystic 'HAS THIS RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS BODY', an intuitive relationship 'that allows him to locate himself' on the path (life).

That's why the Initiation IS FOR A LIMITED AUDIENCE.

'Most of the time', IN FACT ALL THE TIME, I don't 'know how I'm doing' “but solutions to problems always come.”

I confess 'sometimes it annoys me because I would like to UNDERSTAND BETTER, where these answers come from'.

But this is also “a difference of the Mystic”: it is that he lets himself go. He does not resist.

It sounds passive, BUT IT IS THE OTHER WAY AROUND. Forcing your body to let go is an UNNATURAL MECANISM.

Mystics spend their time RAISING THE LEVEL OF SOCIETY, the religious lowering it.

When we look behind us, nobody 'wants to follow us IN THE EXPLORATION'. Which always surprises us a lot, because life is fun.

But apparently 'not for others'.

As, What I am, I have “never supported Christianity”. 'This religion of death'; which permanently denies life.

It's just a “Support for people who don't like life”/'who can't bear life'.

It is not the 'message' 'hidden behind', the one 'called Jesus'.

It's the Opposite. The Message of Jesus IS A MESSAGE OF 'LIFE' NOT DEATH. OF RESURRECTION/'INITIATION': THAT IS, “to Stop 'moping and … devouring life.'” Which the Christian church HAS ALWAYS DENIED. THE LOWER CLASSES ARE THERE TO SUFFER; 'NOT THE ELITE'.

This “PUTRID CHRISTIAN church”that preaches “DEATH” and “Renunciation of life”.


All Christian societies ONLY CREATE DESOLATION, destruction.


From Introduction to Magic, Volume III: Realizations of the Absolute Individual by Julius Evola, The UR Group:

“This is why the idea prevails in Catholic orthodoxy that there is no real discontinuity between the sacramental life of the common believer and the mystical life: the latter is not exceptional, but already contained AS A SEED IN THE FORMER. The mystic, instead of leaving the seed of union with God dormant, ACTIVATES THE ENERGY for realizing this union as an experience [...].

However, in dogmatic terms this realization is postponed until the time of the Last Judgment.

It is not admitted that it could be achieved while alive.”

Well, listen if you think that it is not possible 'in this life', christian. You are left with 'your Only option: SUFFER!'

“It is quite wrong to suppose that the Christian who has been baptized and has participated in the other sacraments of his tradition finds himself at any advantage for the future realizations of an effective initiation. The Alexandrian distinction between the pistikos and the pneumatikos, that is, between the simple believer and the gnostic or initiate, holds good.

The notion of the “glorified body,” in which the law of death is vanquished, entered Christianity directly from the earlier mystery traditions, but in becoming the dogma of the resurrection of the flesh or of purely eschatological prospects IN THE AFTERLIFE, IT LOST ITS CONCRETE AND INITIATIC SIGNIFICANCE.

Nowadays it seems very superstitious to suppose that there is anything more than a simple allegory IN THE EUCHARISTIC PARTICIPATION [...].

Apart from the hoped-for intervention OF GRACE, NO PRECISE PATH IS INDICATED FOR THE CHRISTIAN MYSTIC IN THE DOMAIN OF REALIZATION, namely of the development and actualization of the influences induced in the sacraments.

There are only the simple, subjective attitudes corresponding TO THE SO-CALLED THEOLOGICAL VIRTUES OF FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE.

Already for Pseudo-Dionysus the Areopagite, the basic phases of Christian mysticism were the purgative life, the illuminative life, and the unitive life: a formal scheme that can also be valid in the context of the initiatic path.

However, things are very different in reality. Thus, concerning the last phase, Guénon is absolutely right when he points out the confusion in the mystics’ use of the terms “union” and “UNITIVE LIFE.””

Union implies 2. Unitive is an adjective.

Very different.

“Thus, someone has rightly spoken of yogic states not as “ecstasies” but as “instasies” (ENSTASI).

Concerning the purgative life, still for the sake of indicating reflections of INITIATIC VIEWS, we quote as follows: “Many writers of Christian antiquity assert that the soul, on exiting this world, must pass through various abodes of demons in the airy regions.””

Gosh, when you read this, you realize “how much knowledge has been lost.” Nobody knows 'how to think' (introspection) anymore in this modern society. NO ONE HAS AN INNER LIFE ANYMORE; COLLECTIVISM 'IS BORN THERE'; when people define themselves 'BY AN EXTERIOR'.

“This entire process of purification and instruction is repeated until the soul HAS REACHED PERFECT PURITY AND THE FULLNESS OF KNOWLEDGE.


OTHER “RESIDUES” OF INTEREST ARE the views found in the early Christian writers about the restoration of THE ADAMIC STATE, understood as the first goal of Christian regeneration.”


WHAT IS PREACHED by the Christian church IS FALSE.

“The Church Fathers continually insist THAT ONE MUST ACHIEVE the perfection belonging to the PRIMORDIAL STATE BY GOING IN SEARCH OF THE LOST EARTHLY PARADISE.”


“IT WAS AN OLD CHRISTIAN IDEA, maintained up to the sixteenth century, that this place, from which our first parents were expelled, still exists in a high region inaccessible to men, unless they have been helped by exceptional divine grace, as was the case for Elijah, Enoch, and Saint Paul himself [...] Its inaccessibility was expressed through THE SYMBOLISM OF DESERTED AND UNATTAINABLE PLACES [...].

This reproduces THE INITIATIC DOCTRINE of the “center” in its relation to the primordial state: always present from the metaphysical point of view.

And the symbolism of the belt of fire to be passed through is no different from that of the baptism of fire, also going back to the motif of Hercules who won immortality (ascending to Olympus to marry Hebe, eternal youth) only after the fire on Mount Oeta HAD CONSUMED HIS HUMAN NATURE.”

“HAD CONSUMED HIS HUMAN NATURE”; that's exactly right: I often 'compare it' to the red muscle of the marathon runner, which is said to be 'burnt'. Marathon runner, who becomes good, 'only after decades of Exercises/efforts'.


“In the origins of Christianity, when like an echo the ontological idea of deificatio—assimilation to God and participation in his nature—still predominated, thanks to the preceding mystery tradition, over the moral ideas of faith, charity, and merits to be rewarded in the afterlife [...].

As a conclusion from the preceding investigation, it seems clear that Christianity has a unique character compared to other traditions.

On the one hand it is not a pure religion of the “Law,” like ancient Judaism or orthodox Islam, but emphasizes inner experience. On the other hand, it ignores the experiential plane of esotericism and initiation [...].

This intermediate nature of Christianity allows one to characterize it precisely as an essentially mystical religion, which has absorbed and adapted a number of esoteric elements in its mystico-sacramental form.”

The mystic is only the “GERM THAT MUST BLOOM”. That's why Christians “bore us with their mystical experiences”, but in parallel “don't walk the walk”.

We 'cannot' say that they have no 'mystical experiences', but can't know what 'is to be a Christ'.

That's why 'I spend my time beating them up'.

And that they don't like what I write. Even though they RESPECT ME “knowing I've gotten to 'where they'd like to be'.”

“Now, a current defined in these terms has a chiefly psychic and collective character, rather than a spiritual and metaphysical one.”

Collectivism always, the call of it for the Christians. The Transfiguration can only take place 'at this level'; through the collective. That is why I “tell you” again and again, that we are living “the beginning of a third phase of collectivism”.

“In every respect, and especially in the case of Christianity, one must judge that the relations between the external, religious path and the metaphysical ARE MINIMAL, and that one can be immersed in the mystical-devotional current to the point of attaining relatively high degrees WITHOUT PERCEIVING ANYTHING OF THE INITIATIC AND METAPHYSICAL ORDER.

With its systematic and closed character, its elements that are only a reflected image of the mystery of transformation and deification—merely formal and as we MIGHT SAY “LUNAR”—Christianity is perhaps the least of the traditional forms to be recommended to one who wishes to enter THE “DIRECT PATH.””

I WOULD BE EVEN MORE CATEGORICAL than Evola and the UR Group 'on this';


There is “only one way” to awaken; it's the heroic path.

The Lunar path 'LEADS TO DEATH'.

'Let go'.

From The Meaning of Happiness: The Quest for Freedom of the Spirit in Modern Psychology and the Wisdom of the East by Alan Watts:

“Christianity and Oriental Religion.

In Christianity the idea of TOTAL ACCEPTANCE is somewhat hidden; it is only spoken of directly in some of the writings of the mystics, but it is soon discovered when we begin to make a thorough search into the symbolism of Christian doctrine.

In the religions of the East, however, it is given particular emphasis; in fact, it is the fundamental principle of Vedantist, Buddhist, and Taoist philosophy.

The chief difference between these Eastern religions and Christianity is that, on the surface at least, Christianity is concerned with belief in doctrines whereas the Eastern religions are concerned WITH STATES OF MIND.

That is to say, Christianity tends to be a theological and ethical religion, while Buddhism, Taoism, and Vedanta are psychological religions.”

It is not so much that Christianity is not psychological ... it is that, this religion originally and still “today” is there to serve THE WEAK CLASSES; to express themselves.

The Lower Classes REJECT THE MESSAGE OF CHRIST. In fact, they are the enemy of christ 'and of the entire elite'.

“Eastern religions have this condition of the soul as their very center and raison d’être, although they do not describe it in quite the same terms as do the Christian mystics.

For them it is not just an unusual phenomenon which happens to occur among some strangely gifted people called mystics; it is the very lifeblood of religion, and comes before doctrines, ethics, or any other aspect of the religious life.

The avowed object of Vedanta, Buddhism, and Taoism alike is that man, while living on this earth, may attain a state of mind which is indicated as the understanding of his eternal union and identity with the “Self of the universe.”

This is the object of Christianity also, but it is not stressed, its psychology is inadequately studied and the many possible ways to its attainment are only VAGUELY DESCRIBED.”

Yes, 'because once again', 'this religion serves as a springboard for the poor classes'. 'Without Christianity', no socialism (no communism).

The dream 'HAS JUST SPREAD TO THE SOCIETY', and its organization (Communism: only: scientific 'application of christianism'.)

“The Christian belief that only one historical religious tradition is valid for man is a clear enough sign of this confusion; so much emphasis is placed on history and doctrine as the essentials of salvation [...].”

Yes, because 'once again', the goal of the lower classes IS TO SUFFER, 'so they cannot extract themselves from History', 'IN WHICH THEY ARE LOST'.

'This is what communism has been fighting for', “a meaning to history”; history 'as a value'.

And it caused at least a hundred million deaths last century.

That's why I say to the elite, if such an event were to happen again; there is no point in staying in such an environment.

“Fighting IS USELESS”; because the masses are easily seduced, and ONLY a leader like Franco or Hitler is able “to subdue these people”.


Do not try, THE ELITE, TO TAKE THIS AWAY from them; otherwise “THEY HAVE NOTHING LEFT”.

This was understood in Ancient Times.

From Return of the Swastika: Hate and Hysteria versus Hindu Sanity by Koenraad Elst:

“In the Muslim world, we are rather familiar with the phenomenon of takfir, or excommunicating a fellow Muslim by declaring him to be an unbeliever (kafir) at heart, but in Christianity, we had developed the impression that this was a thing of the past [...].”

L.O.L. I have spent my life “Being Excommunicated by christians”. And 'it is still true today'. Online, I spend “my time” being censured by Christians.

Which I don't give a damn about ... I always come back “through the back door” saying 'the same thing BUT HARDER'.

There will come a time 'IN HISTORY' when these 'popular classes' will be forgotten.

And it is at this moment that there will be 'A RENEWAL OF THE WORLD' and THE FOUNDATION OF A NEW GREAT CIVILIZATION.

From Zen for Americans: Sermons of a Buddhist Abbot by Rt. Rev. Soyen Shaku:

“The mechanical observance of the moral laws is not becoming to the dignity of a rational, conscious being. Man must be master of himself, intellectually, morally, and spiritually.

To be so, he must be able to examine his own states of consciousness and DIRECT HIS THOUGHTS and desires to the end where lies the rationale of existence.”

This is not possible; the goal 'is to break a mechanism' so that another one takes its place.

There is something 'ROYAL AND BIZARRE' about the Mystic: Emil Johansson #mystic #Mysticism #Esotericism #Esoterism #Esoteric'ROYAL-AND-BIZARRE'-about-the-Mystic--Emil-Johansson:3

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